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AES “El-Dabaa”

Development of temporary buildings and structures for the construction and installation site. Design, surveying, and design supervision

Projekts pabeigts: 2022
Lokācija: Ēģipte

AES “Paks-2”

Development of temporary buildings and structures for the construction and installation site. Design, surveying, and design supervision

Projekts pabeigts: 2022
Lokācija: Ungārija

AES “Akkuyu”

Development of temporary buildings and structures for the construction and installation site. Design, surveying, and design supervision

Projekts pabeigts: 2022
Lokācija: Turcija

AES “Hanhikivi-1″

Development of temporary buildings and structures for the construction and installation site. Design, surveying, and design supervision

Projekts pabeigts: 2022
Lokācija: Somija

Augstsprieguma tīkls

Reconstruction of 110 kV power transmission lines in the Ventspils–Tume–Rīga section of the ‘Kurzemes loks’ circuit, reinforcing them with a 330 kV line

Projekts pabeigts: 2017
Lokācija: Latvija

WorleyParsons Energy Services Finland OY

RAOS Project Oy kompleksās izbūves vadības sistēmas dokumentu izstrāde un neatkarīgais licences dokumentu pakešu novērtējums Fennovoima Oy licences saņemšanai AES Hanhikivi-1 izbūvei

Projekts pabeigts: 2017
Lokācija: Somija

Augstsprieguma tīkls

Bolderāja II. 110 kV a/st. Nr. 136. Sadales iekārtas pārbūve un transformatora TNr. 3 uzstādīšana. Projektēšana, būvmontāžas darbi

Projekts pabeigts: 2016
Lokācija: Latvija

Hyndrotech Energy

Igaunijas ES Narvā. Rekonstrukcija. Pelnu un izdedžu materiāla izpēte Igaunijas ES pelnu izgāztuvē. Igaunijas ES pelnu izgāztuves norobežojošo dambju izbūves projekta izstrāde.

Projekts pabeigts: 2016
Lokācija: Igaunija


Nikolajevas esošo siltumtīklu daļas rekonstrukcijas būvprojekta izstrādes TEP un autoruzraudzības pakalpojumu nodrošināšana

Projekts pabeigts: 2016
Lokācija: Ukraina

Ventspils Naftas Termināls

Speciālo un papildiekārtu izbūve un uzstādīšana Ventspilī no esošās flotācijas iekārtas iegūtā flotāta atūdeņošanai. Būvprojekts

Projekts pabeigts: 2015
Lokācija: Latvija

Latvijas dzelzceļš

Development of a sketch design for the electrification of the Latvian railway network

Projekts pabeigts: 2015
Lokācija: Latvija


Rīgas TEC 2. Pašpatēriņa elektriskās barošanas sistēmas pārbūve, tīkla ūdens cirkulācijas sistēmas pārbūve, tīkla ūdens piebarošanas sistēmas pārbūve, ugunsdzēsības ūdens sistēmas rekonstrukcija un automatizētās vadības sistēmas izveide. Projekta un darba dokumentācija

Projekts pabeigts: 2015
Lokācija: Latvija

Ventspils Naftas Termināls

Divpusējā dzelzceļa cisternu noliešanas estakāde Nr. 1, sūkņu stacija Nr. 1 un manifolds Nr. 1 Ventspilī. Tehniskais projekts

Projekts pabeigts: 2015
Lokācija: Latvija

Augstsprieguma tīkls

Reconstruction of 110 kV power transmission lines in the Grobiņa–Ventspils section of the ‘Kurzemes loks’ circuit, reinforcing them with a 330 kV line

Projekts pabeigts: 2014
Lokācija: Latvija


TEC 2 rekonstrukcija Rīgā, divu tvaika gāzes energobloku uzstādīšana 400 MW katrs. Projekta dokumentācijas adaptēšana, atsevišķo sadaļu izstrāde. Projekta un darba dokumentācija

Projekts pabeigts: 2012
Lokācija: Latvija

Juglas Jauda

TEC elektriskās jaudas pastiprināšana ar diviem 2 MW GVA (gāzes virzuļu agregātiem). Projekta dokumentācija

Projekts pabeigts: 2011
Lokācija: Latvija

Augstsprieguma tīkls

Reconstruction of 110 kV power transmission lines in the Grobiņa–Ventspils section of the ‘Kurzemes loks’ circuit, reinforcing them with a 330 kV line

Projekts pabeigts: 2011
Lokācija: Latvija

Pöyry Finland

Biofuel cogeneration plant in Jelgava

Projekts pabeigts: 2011
Lokācija: Latvija

Rigas Siltums

SC „Ziepniekkalns”. Biokurināmā koģenerācijas energobloka ar jaudu 4 MW izbūve

Projekts pabeigts: 2011
Lokācija: Latvija

Juglas Jauda

Koģenerācijas stacijas izbūve ar divu 6 MW GVA (gāzes virzuļu agregātu) uzstādīšanu. Pirmsprojekta izstrādāšana

Projekts pabeigts: 2010
Lokācija: Latvija

VKG Energia

Tvaika turbīnas PT-25/30-2,9/0,6 uzstādīšanas projekts. Kohtla Jerve

Projekts pabeigts: 2010
Lokācija: Igaunija

Rīgas Siltums

Katlu māja” Imanta”, tvaika gāzes bloka uzstādīšana un ūdenssildāmo katlu rekonstrukcija

Projekts pabeigts: 2009
Lokācija: Latvija


Rīgas TEC 1, tvaika gāzes bloka uzstādīšana

Projekts pabeigts: 2008
Lokācija: Latvija


Rīgas TEC 1, ūdenssildāmā katla uzstādīšana

Projekts pabeigts: 2008
Lokācija: Latvija

Consulting & Engineering Company JS&K

Liepāja CHP. Site selection

Projekts pabeigts: 2007
Lokācija: Liepāja

Panevežio Energija

Steam gas district heating plant in Panevėžys. Project and working documentation

Projekts pabeigts: 2007
Lokācija: Lietuva

Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė

AB «ACHEMA» tvaika gāzes energobloka uzstādīšana.

Projekts pabeigts: 2007
Lokācija: Lietuva


Ventspils ogles kurināmā elektrostacija. Laukuma izveide.

Projekts pabeigts: 2006
Lokācija: Latvija


Lietuvas ES. Tehniski ekonomiskais pamatojums. TGI bloka izbūve.

Projekts pabeigts: 2004
Lokācija: Lietuva


SAS „Kauņas TES”. Modernizācijas uz tvaika‑gāzes iekārtas vai gāzes dzinēja bāzes tehniski ekonomiskais pamatojums

Projekts pabeigts: 2003
Lokācija: Lietuva

Lietuvos Elektrine

Tvaika turbīnas uzstādīšana AB „Lifosa” katlu mājā Ķēdaiņos

Projekts pabeigts: 2000
Lokācija: Lietuva
Project name and scope of activities Year and location
"Balticovo": Industrial project for the development of a chicken facility consisting of 3 chicken houses. Total area: 25,000 m2. Size: 450,000 birds In process Latvia
"LitEgg": Design and implementation of a biogas cogeneration plant project. Introduction of an organic fertiliser manufacturing system In process Lithuania
"LitEgg": Industrial project for the development of a chicken facility consisting of 2 chicken houses. Total area: 17,000 m2. Size: 300,000 birds In process Lithuania
Cushman: Design and implementation of a biogas cogeneration plant project in Connecticut. Introduction of an organic fertiliser manufacturing system In process
Clarion: Design and implementation of a biogas cogeneration plant project in Connecticut. Introduction of an organic fertiliser manufacturing system In process
Kraider: Design and implementation of a biogas cogeneration plant project in Pennsylvania. Introduction of an organic fertiliser manufacturing system In process
"Citadel": rebuilding and adaptation of the office facility infrastructure In process Latvia
"EGG ENERGY": Development of a project for the modernisation and expansion of the biogas plant. Completion of the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) contract 2022
"BovoGas": Development of a biogas processing plant project. Completion of the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) contract 2022
OrganiQ: Development of a fertiliser production plant expansion project, in order to use the by-product of the EGG ENERGY biogas plant 2022
NPP "El-Dabaa": Development of temporary buildings and structures for the construction and installation site. Design, surveying, and design supervision 2022
Paks-2 NPP: Development of temporary buildings and structures for the construction and installation site. Design, surveying, and design supervision 2022
Akkuyu NPP: Development of temporary buildings and structures for the construction and installation site. Design, surveying, and design supervision 2022
NPP "Hanhikivi-1": Development of temporary buildings and structures for the construction and installation site. Design, surveying, and design supervision 2022
"High voltage network": Reconstruction of 110 kV power transmission lines in the Ventspils–Tume–Rīga section of the ‘Kurzemes loks’ circuit, reinforcing them with a 330 kV line 2017
"WorleyParsons Energy Services Finland OY": Development of RAOS Project Oy integrated construction management system documents and independent assessment of document packages for the licensing of Fennovoima Oy as part of the construction of the Hanhikivi-1 2017
“High voltage network'': Bolderāja II. 110 kV HV substation No 136. Rebuilding of switchgear and installation of transformer No 3. Design, construction 2016
Hyndrotech Energy: Eesti power plant in Narva. Reconstruction. Study of the ash and slag material in the Eesti power plant ash dump. Development of a design for the construction of containment dams for the Eesti power plant ash dump. 2016
"Mykolaivoblteploenerho": Feasibility study and design supervision services for the development of a construction design for the reconstruction of a part of the district heating system of Mykolaiv 2016
"Ventspils Oil Terminal": Construction and installation of specialised and auxiliary equipment for removing water from the sludge in the existing flotation plant in Ventspils. Construction design 2015
''Latvian railway'': Development of a sketch design for the electrification of the Latvian railway network 2015
"Latvenergo": Riga CHP 2. rebuilding of the power supply system for auxiliary consumption; rebuilding of the mains water circulation system; rebuilding of the mains water supply system; rebuilding of the fire water system; installation of an automated control system. Project and working documentation 2015
"Ventspils Oil Terminal": Two-sided railway tank car loading rack No 1, pumping station No 1 and manifold No 1 in Ventspils. Engineering design 2015
"High voltage network": Reconstruction of 110 kV power transmission lines in the Grobiņa–Ventspils section of the ‘Kurzemes loks’ circuit, reinforcing them with a 330 kV line 2014
"Latvenergo": Reconstruction of TEC 2 in Riga, installation of two steam gas power units of 400 MW each. Adaptation of project documentation, development of individual sections. Project and work documentation 2012
"Jugla Power": Expansion of the cogeneration plant’s electrical capacity with two 2 MW gas piston units. Project documentation 2011
"High voltage network": Reconstruction of 110 kV power transmission lines in the Grobiņa–Ventspils section of the ‘Kurzemes loks’ circuit, reinforcing them with a 330 kV line 2011
"Pöyry Finland": Biofuel cogeneration plant in Jelgava 2011
"The Heat of Riga": Ziepniekkalns district heating unit. Construction of a 4 MW biofuel cogeneration unit 2011
"Jugla Power": Construction of a cogeneration plant with the installation of two 6 MW gas piston units. Development of preliminary design 2010
"VKG Energia": Project for the installation of a PT-25/30-2.9/0.6 steam turbine Kohtla Jerve 2010
"The Heat of Riga": Imanta boiler house: installation of a steam gas unit and reconstruction of water boilers 2009
"Latvenergo": Riga CHP 1, installation of a steam gas unit 2008
"Latvenergo": Riga CHP 1, installation of a water boiler 2008
"Consulting & Engineering Company JS&K": Liepāja CHP. Site selection 2007
"Panevežio Energy": Steam gas district heating plant in Panevėžys. Project and working documentation 2007
"Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė": Installation of a steam gas power unit for AB ACHEMA 2007
"Venceb": Ventspils coal-fired power plant. Site selection 2006
“INTER RAO EES”: Lithuanian EU. Technical and economic justification.
Construction of TGI block
“INTER RAO EES”: SAS ‘Kauņas TES’. feasibility study for an upgrade with a steam gas plant or a gas generator 2003
"Lietuvos Elektrine": Installation of a steam turbine in the boiler house of AB Lifosa in Kėdainiai 2000